WIWX3: Dress Challenge assisted by ROG

I am late to the dress challenge. The first outfit was suggested by ROG EF striped knit skirt, AT black silk shell under a Citron of Santa Monica silk kimono jacket, snake print Franco Sarto loafers and old grey with silver studs cross- body/ shoulder bag/clutch. I would never have put these together on my own. I plan to add bracelets.
Photo 2 is an old denim dress worn duster style over white tee and white jeans with silver bag, loafers and jewelry. I was not happy with this outfit.
3/4: what I wore Sunday, orange. 4 is a string of irregular pearls strung by me. Interesting orange jewelry is hard too find. Not crazy about the cardigan but needed warmth.
What do you think of these casual dress and skirt outfits? I welcome your ideas and comments.

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  • kellygirl replied 5 years ago

    I think the skirt outfit definitely works. It's difficult to ascertain the colors because of the lighting but the pattern mixing is fun and unexpected and the proportions are flattering. I think the duster outfit is a little too voluminous with those pants. I think it might work better with skinnies. 

  • rachylou replied 5 years ago

    I like 2! Why don’t you like it?

    I find 1 not bad, but I’m not totally sure it’s good. Lol. The skirt is less formal than the other items...

  • Joy replied 5 years ago

    Kelly, I agree that skinnies that look like skinnies would work better in this outfit. In the past I have done something very similar only with a column of black rather than white and liked it better because the black pants were more skinny.
    Rachylou, it just looked frumpy or too casual to me. You are right, the skirt is less formal than the top half. I feel dressed for a casual day of catching up with laundry and putting stuff away, it overall, I am happier with Outfit 1 than 2 because it feels a bit dressier.

  • kkards replied 5 years ago

    I like #2 a lot. It’s a nice alternative to a denim jacket...to me it feels fresh.
    Maybe play around with cuffing the pants to show some ankle. Or perhaps a graphic tee instead of the white one.

  • taylor replied 5 years ago

    Both look great Joy, but I am really loving the denim dress worn duster style !
    YLF !

  • Cardiff girl replied 5 years ago

    The first outfit works but You could tie together shirt in a front knot to play with the proportions.l think the second outfit has merit but again I would be tempted to alter the proportions by wearing a more fitted jean and perhaps having them a little cropped as well?Its great that you are willing to experiment with your wardrobe.

  • Joy replied 5 years ago

    Cardiff girl and Kmarts, thank you for the ideas. I had on the second outfit today when I picked up some alterations. Some old wide jeans had been cropped and I felt so much better wearing then instead of the skirt. I really need to play with knotting tops and such. Unfortunately the white jeans were labelled high rise skinny crops. Clearly on me they are not skinny or cropped..
    Taylor, thank you for your comment about the denim dress as a duster. It had a lot of weight coming from such a stylish lady.

  • Jaime replied 5 years ago

    I kind of like the first over the top pattern mixing, but would probably also consider toning it down with a denim jacket. The under layer is excellent. Great bag shoe combination in the second outfit, but I would go for a higher waist or a non-contrasting belt I think. Basically two great outfits that I would enjoy tinkering with!

  • Joy replied 5 years ago

    Thank you, Shevia. ROG had suggested an end. More wild pattern mix using the pieces in Finds below. I do not remember the rest of the outfit but have an idea.

  • Angie replied 5 years ago

    Cute pattern mix in #1, Queen ROG. Arty and creative.

    The denim dress worn as a duster looks fab. The jeans look a little too low in the rise though, but the pewter complement is smashing. Onto more dresses!

  • anchie replied 5 years ago

    You always have luck with ROG. I get some crazy combinations. But I must admit I prefer #2

  • Bijou replied 5 years ago

    Your use of ROG and the fact that the outfits work is amazing. I really love the denim dress worn as a duster, such a great idea to make a dress more versatile.

  • replied 5 years ago

    Love that jacket in #1, and it mixes well with the shoes! The skirt is more casual, but not bad. The duster works to my eye too-and I like it with the metallics.

  • karen13 replied 5 years ago

    I think #1 is great - love the pattern mixes. I hadn't read the comments when I looked at 2 and what I noticed was the the rise on the jeans (which I then saw Angie mention). Maybe don't tuck or don't belt? 

  • Joy replied 5 years ago

    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. It looks like I need to pass on the high rise trend.  Even those that say they are high rise are not so on my body.

    Anchie, sometimes one can make slight changes in ROG's suggestions.  For example, often ROG comes up with my silver metallic house slippers as a suggestion.  I just substitute a silver pair of loafers.  In summer black summer shoes might be substituted for black boots, a white tee for a white sweater, etc.

    Angie, stay tuned this week for more dresses.

    Bijou, a dress as duster or tunic gives it a new role to play and can help it be more casual.

    Thank you, suntiger and karen13.  I usually wear the jacket in #1 in a dressier way, but I liked wearing this outfit.  It works especially well with the snake shoes.

  • Joy replied 5 years ago

    A third dress for Fathers’ Day was added above. Orange. Shoes and bag were blush but more warm tan than pink.

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