WIW: Early Fall Vests

Inspired by Angie’s Friday ensemble post but dealing with warm weather, I decided to show you 3 warm weather vest outfits. The first ( #1/2) are a thrifted black utility vest with olive pants and silver loafer mules. Very comfortable.
The second (#3) was a rather sheer EF wrap top used as a vest with black crepe EF trousers and a silk print sleeveless top. Shoes are ancient Me Toos.
The third, is a black thrifted Talbots dress several years old, with a long black gillet from Target at least a yeas ago. (4-7). Shoes are silver pointy toe Coach loafers. .Vests are a great third piece for summer. I also like denim vests but both myblue and white ones need to be replaced with something longer. I have a lone silk off-white (bone) vest that is nicely swishy but is at the cleaners.
How do these look? My arms are not toned as much as I’d like. A lot of black here.


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