WIW: Staying Warm in a Frock

Here are a few recent skirt and dress outfits. I am using some of Angie's suggestions to stay warm enough. I also tried to vary my silhouettes, but I have few warm pieces so it is harder to get variety.
1: Warm knit/Winter Fabrications/ Knee high boots: Alpaca sweater dress with knee high boots. Fluid silhouette.
2: With Thermal undergarments. Fitted over fitted silhouette. I have a silk long sleeved tee under the shirt and bike shorts length layer and slip under the skirt. Do you think the top and bottom are too high contrast here for my height?
3: Jacket under a coat. Fitted over volume silhouette.
4/5: Jacket under a coat/Warm knitwear. The last photo is of the wool tee layered under the jacket. The skirt is a pleated knit wool blend. Volume over volume silhouette. Too much volume on me? I look at the photo and feel fat.
I welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement and other styling ideas.

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  • crutcher replied 10 years ago

    Nominated for cool grandmom of the year...I love each outfit and they absolutely add to your fab persona...See you first, see the clothes next...
    Keep working these looks and your nomination will be a shoe-in...

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    You ARE Cool Grandma. 

    I don't think #2 is too high contrast at all. Great outfit. I have to ask though - how are your keeping your legs and feet warm with bare legs and peep-toe shoes? 

    #1, #2 and #4 are my faves - and an 11 out of 10. Nicely done, and rock on. xo

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Crutcher and Angie, thank you for the Granny comments. I am searching my closet for soft warm but washable garments for our Christmas week visit.
    Angie, I am wearing nude stockings except in #2 with the peep toes. It was a warmer day but my feet did get cold. I only wore the outfit for church, so just a couple of hours. No bare legs since :)

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    Good show. I have to know you are warm enough. xo

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    Wow, Joy, these are all great, but I especially love #1 and #2 on you. Except for the chilly tootsies.  :)

  • rachylou replied 10 years ago

    You look great. I'm taking notes on how to dress warm.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Rachylou, don't wear peep toes with bare legs. I should not have included that outfit :).

  • Inge replied 10 years ago

    I agree with the other ladies: these are all terrific, Joy. But my favourite has to be 3. The patterned skirt with pleating looks just beautiful with your red jumper and white jacket.

  • Laurie replied 10 years ago

    Joy, I love #1 - classy, youthful.  you look great.

  • rachylou replied 10 years ago

    Lol. Good thing you said :D

  • Joyce B replied 10 years ago

    Looking fab!

  • Debora replied 10 years ago

    All great looks, Joy! You have inspired me to wear more dresses and skirts this winter. Thanks for illustrating how you put Angie's tips into action. One stylish grandmother, for sure. Congratulations on your new grandchild! :)

  • Jaime replied 10 years ago

    I think #2 looks great but have the same question as Angie about your legs being cold. Both dress outfits look fantastic too.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    I managed to stay mostly warm in #2 because of thermal under layers but the bare legs were a mistake. If the shoes had not been peep toes ,I would have worn sheer stockings as I am in the third photo. A wardrobe hole is closed toe footwear with a similar look to this peep toe pair.
    Thank you for your kind words. I didn't think these outfits were anything special.

  • Deborah replied 10 years ago

    Joy, all of these look very good.  You are indeed the coolest Grandma I know:)  I was going to nominate a number of these as standout but really I can't pick faves here.  They all work and look fabulous on you.

  • E replied 10 years ago

    Wow! You look stunning in all of these & I find all of the silhouettes very flattering on you (aka you don't look fat). :)

    I bet that alpaca dress is impossibly cosy. 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Deborah and E, thank you for your kind comments. E, the alpaca dress is indeed so cozy. I got it from the Style Exchange on this site from member Nancylee along with a taupe one. I thought they might be too short for me be hope that they look ok with tights and boots. The brand is Peruvian Connection.

  • LACeleste replied 10 years ago

    Hi Joy!  You look incredibly stylish!  Really great looks!

  • lyn67 replied 10 years ago

    LOL about the peeptoes for staying warm:-) but otherwise all great! Esp love nr 3 and 4. Plisée skirt in nr 3 is a fab print and color, is such an  elegant length, and  looks so cool with the bright white jacket, Wow!

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