WIW: Red and Dark Brown

Inspired by Angie's ensemble post, I shopped my closet.
Dark brown Ponte pants from Chicos last year
Dark red men's small merino wool turtleneck left behind by DS
Old woven wool RL scarf
Old ECCO boots back from cobbler with buckle strap shortened so that they fit my narrow leg better.
Bag from Tignanello several years old. I wish I had teal bag
Is this working? Is the oversized turtleneck too oversized? I could shrink it. Do the pants look too baggy tucked into boots? Tell me the truth. I could tweak the outfit and wear dark brown oxfords and a more fitted bright red sweater. I also have other scarf possibilities and brown leather pants.

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  • Deborah replied 10 years ago

    You are teasing us....no pics!

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Ah! Will add them now.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    I didn't get a photo of my brown leather coat. I'll try that later.

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    Ooh - Joy, I think this works beautifully on you, and I am so so taken with the boots! Great job getting them fitted! That must feel wonderful -- now you have TWO fabulous fitting tall boots. 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Thank your Suz. I am thrilled with the result. Who knew that the little straps could easily be shortened from the sewn end. She charged me just $7 per boot. Now I see possibilities in other boots. The only problem is that the cobbler is over 70 and will be retiring soon :(

  • Aida replied 10 years ago

    I think it works really well Joy! And quite like the brighter red bag with the burgundy sweater. I don't find the turtleneck too large at all, and don't mind the slouchiness of the pants tucked into the boots either (great cobbler fix on those). I would say though that sleeker skinnies will give you a cleaner, more classic look (if that's what you're after); any baggier skinnies that are tucked into tall boots have an inherently slouchy, RATE vibe to them.

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    Fabulous. Another who nailed the formula. xo

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Aida, thank you for your observations,especially about the slouchy skinnies tucked into boots. It is hard for my chicken legs to fill out any skinnies. Even leggings hang loose below the knee. I will have to think about this and experiment. As Shiny noted on a different thread, it doesn't help the calf fit when boot tops consistently end higher than the calf. On me that is a narrower spot.
    Angie, thank you for the confidence builder. I felt great in this outfit today.. My son's abandoned sweater is so soft and not at all itchy.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Great outfit, Joy, and even better that you felt super comfortable in it. I like the ease of the sweater and pants, and the beautiful colors of the scarf with the outfit. You could try blousing the sweater over the band at the bottom, if you want to wear it shorter, for a different look.

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