Una's Silhouette Challenge, Week 1

I'm not sure that my outfits were successful in representing the silhouettes that I wanted, but the search for variety was eye-opening.
1/2: Sunday. Pencil skirt with short fluid knit top and scarf. Hummm, that skirt looks too big in the photos.
3/4: long volume top over skinny jeans. Big chunky pullover and blue jeans.
5: Short chunky over skinny jeans. The jacket is a felted wool AT.
6/7: boxy layered cropped sweater over untucked button down shirt, semi-tuck with skinny burgundy jeans
8: Fitted knit top over skinny jeans. Worn for very casual day and working out.
9-11: short volume over volume with sweatshirt over plaid wool trousers. I included a close up of the pattern mix. Too much?
12/13: skinny over volume featuring a side semi-tuck and bootcut jeans.
14: longer volume over volume with chunky cardigan and wide fluid trousers.
Una, thank you for this challenge. It was a great new way to look at what I have. I would appreciate knowing what you all think works and what doesn't. Should some of these pieces be retired? Any suggestions for improvement and closet editing are appreciated.

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  • Jaime replied 10 years ago

    You look fantastic. I did enjoy seeing the dramatic change as I flipped from #4 to #5. Those two along with 6/7 are my favorites. The pattern mix is not too much at all. Not crazy about the top in #8 but I am pretty off fitted right now. Well done!

  • Karie replied 10 years ago

    You did a great job with this challenge! My favorite is #3/4. I think the pattern mixing in #9-11 looks good. I don't think the skirt in #1 is too long, but then I like my skirts to be around knee length. Well done!

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    Joy, my favourites are the same as Shevia's and I agree with her that it is fun to see that flip. Your slender figure looks wonderful both in oversized and in the more fitted look of #5. Brilliant! And the sweater in #4 is just so cozy and soft. So flattering. 

    It is hard to say if any pieces should be retired because it always depends so much on context, at least in my own wardrobe. You always look so great in your outfits -- it's really a question of whether any piece is earning its keep for you. 

    ETA: curious to know which outfits you enjoyed most? 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Shevia and Karie, thank you for looking and commenting. I did not care for #8 myself. That shirt may be headed for donation, although it was just the weight I needed that day. I don't like the shoes with it either but they were what I needed for activities that day.
    Katie, I like my skirts around knee length too. Maybe I'm getting wider. The skirt really isn't too big, but I thought the fit seems off in the photo. I hope not because it is a favorite.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Suz, I enjoyed 3/4 the most, but it may have been because the sweater was new and a different silhouette for me. I also liked 6/7. In general, I feel better in sized up skinnies and not so much in flares or even bootcuts. The pants in 14 (thrifted some time ago) are really nice quality and I think that they fit the way they are supposed to, but I'm not feeling fab in them. The color is useful in my wardrobe.

  • catgirl replied 10 years ago

    I love all of these except 8 because I am also off the fitted tops.  But you are totally able to wear it well.  Those gold booties are SICK.  I love you in sized-up skinnies too - really a great combination of current and classic.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    I hear you on the fitted tops. It's time to go through and get rid of all but a few as layering pieces. Una, those DV booties are very comfortable. The metallic on taupe can look gold/bronze or silver/pewter depending on other colors near them.

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    I hear you on the love for a new item. This is one of my own downfalls. I love love love love loooooove my new wardrobe pets and tend to neglect the others. This is why I am either going to have to practice one in one out, or get a bigger closet! :)

  • Lisa replied 10 years ago

    Great job mixing up your looks.  #3 is my favorite, the color and looser fit of that sweater is lovely on you!  

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