Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
I really like this outfit, Joy, just the way you have it. I think the culottes are a good length and look terrific with the ankle strap shoes. I could also see booties working. I like the length and shape of the cocoon jacket over the outfit, and I think a trench could work for a slightly different look, too.
kkards replied 7 years ago
l love the culottes and blouse together...I love the culottes and cocoon cardi...I just think that the blouse has a dressy vibe and the cardi has a casual one, I'm just not 100% percent on the blouse and this cardi together.
Angie replied 7 years ago
YOU NAILED IT. I'm impressed.
MsMary replied 7 years ago
FAB! I love that sweater and it is absolutely perfect for this ensemble!
rachylou replied 7 years ago
Cute! How is everybody always ready to go on ensembles?!
always trying replied 7 years ago
very pulled together look..
Joy replied 7 years ago
Firecracker, thank you for your wise words. Angie is so right about ankle strap shoes filling the gap.
Kkards, thank you. The blouse seems causal to me because it is a nyloknit, but I see what you mean. I have a flowered sweatshirt shaped top that I will try instead.
Thank you, Angie. I hope these culottes are ok.
MsMary, this sweater may have been saved from the donation bag by this outfit. Sometimes it feels sloppy but is a comfortable topper for today's temperatures. It is the only cocoon shape that I have.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thanks, Rachylou and always trying. I suspect that some of us have too many clothes. :)
celia replied 7 years ago
Wonderful. I like how you incorporated the cardigan.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, celia I guess the cardigan stays. It must be a matter of finding the right way to wear it. I do like how it falls back against the body at the bottom, providing some structure.
Jenni NZ replied 7 years ago
Hi Joy, I like the outfit, prefer it myself without the cardigan though. I do like the ankle strap shoes with the culottes, how they sort of fill in the gap. I am a little worried about your tiny wee ankles and glad that you don't wear high heels any more. Hope you're getting good nutrition! ( Sorry, "busman's holiday" as they say when one's work spills into one's leisure.) I think you look so nice that I hope you didn't distract any lovely gentlemen at Mass! x
Mirjana replied 7 years ago
Excellent, you nailed it. I like the length of culottes, go fantastic with shoes, cocoon cardi is beautiful with bag I can only say you look fabulous Joy.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Jenni, thank you for the chuckle about the men at mass. My skinny ankles and calves can be a footwear nightmare when trying to fit boots, booties and ankle straps. I am on medication for osteoporosis but my doctor said that my blood work shows too much calcium, so I've had to cut back.
Mirjana, thank you for the encouraging comment. These shoes with the stretchy fabric ankle strap are rare in that they actually fit my ankles.
lpr200 replied 7 years ago
Like Rachylou I'm impressed you could pull together an outfit!
Brooklyn replied 7 years ago
Lovely Joy. That top is a winner, and the whole look is fab.
Linda de Vasquez replied 7 years ago
I love the look!
Barbara Diane replied 7 years ago
I like the look. I might prefer it with booties.
Bonnie replied 7 years ago
You look lovely. I would love to play in your closet.
Bijou replied 7 years ago
This is a great look on you. Booties may make it more casual if you are feeling overdressed in this. At my church we have a beautiful lady who is always smartly dressed and I always love to see what she is wearing. Being dressy is good!
Jaime replied 7 years ago
Excellent! I think the culotte length looks good too.
Staysfit replied 7 years ago
Great interpretation of Angie's ensemble. I had a hard time picturing it and am glad you pulled it together and took these pics! It's a polished and fresh look.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you all for your comments and help with this outfit. I like the culottes and am still figuring out how to wear them.
Momo replied 7 years ago
Lovely! Yeah I too am amazed at how you and others can pull together great versions of Angie's ensembles so quickly! I can barely even remember what I own ;-)
Suz replied 7 years ago
I really like the top with the culottes (great length!) and the bag. I agree with those who said the sweater has a slightly more casual feel to it, but in person this may not be the case (it depends on the texture of the knit, I think) and in terms of proportions, it's fab!
replied 7 years ago
Nice. I'm not any foot at being a ppl judge, but I have noticed I've been able to take an outfit more casual with booties.
Runcarla replied 7 years ago
Firecracker said it first! I wouldn't change a thing! #1 (complete outfit with the cardi) is my favourite.
Lisa replied 7 years ago
That bag is perfect for the jeans and chain bag trend. And I like the length of the culottes here. The current shoes are fine, and a short boot with a heel would be lovely too.
Style Fan replied 7 years ago
This is a great interpretation of the ensemble post. Like Rachy I am always amazed at how others can pull things together so quickly. It takes me years.