Summer replied 7 years ago
You have a magic wardrobe, Joy! I'm always amazed that you can recreate Angie's ensembles at the drop of a hat!
Your outfit is lovely, and I like the nod to St Patrick's Day. Do you have Irish blood?
MsMary replied 7 years ago
Love it! I can't believe I never thought of wrap-over-jacket before!
Joy replied 7 years ago
Summer, one side has ancestors from the British Isles so there may be some Irish blood in there somewhere but nothing I know of for sure. Red hair does run in the Swedish side of the family...those Vikings! When I was a kid, if you were not wearing green on St. Pat's day people would come up and pinch you. Some girls used it as an excuse to show green undies to the boys.
Thank you, Mary. I had not thought of it either, although I do wear furry vests over jackets.
Angie replied 7 years ago
Super Cute Irish outfit.
Bonnie replied 7 years ago
I really like your outfit and I plan to wear green today, too. I'm not a bit Irish but love to participate in celebrating their culture. I also remember the pinching. When I was teaching primary, I had a paper cut out shamrock ready for every child who was not wearing green. The bigger kids loved to tease the little ones with the excuse of passing on traditions.
rachylou replied 7 years ago
Ok. Now that's proper St Pat's day wear :)
ETA: Man, the pinching! I remember that a little green wasn't ok. You had to wear a lot!
ETA: And then they'd pinch you on your bday - one for every year you were born. Children are animals! Lol.
Ledonna N. replied 7 years ago
This is lovely Joy and that cape is DRAMA HUNTY! In a good way. Just right.
JAileen replied 7 years ago
Joy, I think this is great and does not overpower you at all.
When I was little we would wear a lot of green. Then, when we were a little older, we wouldn't wear green, but would say you can't pinch me because there's a rose and leaf on my underwear. Now, I try to wear green too, although I probably should wear orange instead. But that's not done in the US. Whatever.. :)
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Angie. The amount of green felt right as a nod to the day.
Bonnie, Rachylou and JAileen, I enjoyed your memories about kids and pinching. Ledonna, I love a bit of drama. I hope this isn't overdoing it.
Style Fan replied 7 years ago
I like this Joy and don't find it overpowering. I am in Florida and there are lots of St. Patrick Day celebrations going on. The same thing happened when we were in Savannah one year. Lots of green too. I wore a green tank to Yoga. Not Irish though. British and Viking.
Jenn replied 7 years ago
Weren't you warm in that today, Joy? I love this version with the colored jacket, and your scarf is really beautiful!
replied 7 years ago
I think it's great. I like it WITH the poncho for extra drama.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Style Fan, there was always a lot of celebrating of St Pat's in Kansas City with a parade second only to Chicago's. I guess it felt natural to wear green even if not Irish.
Jenn, it did get too warm for the poncho when out walking but otherwise it felt just right. Tomorrow is expected to be much warmer, over 80F. Thank you for your comment. The scarf is an older Gap find
Smittie, thank you. I'm glad that the drama comes through in the photos.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
This is great, Joy! I like you in these colors, and yes, I think the layers work nicely--not overwhelming.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Sharan. I hope that it cools off soon so that I can try some other versions of this ensemble. The olive is a borderline color for me. I'm so glad that you think it works.
Lisa replied 7 years ago
This outfit works for me, the layers look fine, not too bulky at all.
KCourtney replied 7 years ago
The poncho looks nice on you Joy. I believe it works because of the assymetrical line along the side and bottom. Well done!