Style It Forward Outfits

Another Style it Forward challenge set.
Day 1: photo 1/2. Watermelon red pants with grey and a dark grey cardigan. Floral shirt
Day 2: photos 2/3. a thrifted floral jacket with the same watermelon pants. Under the jacket is a shirt with a watermelon stripe
Day 3: photo 7. same floral jacket with aqua pants
Day 4: photos4-6. same aqua jeans with aqua summer top and black long cardigan and flats and bag. Photos 5/6 are close ups of the bracelets I wore with this outfit. Earrings are also large and silver.
I pulled these pants out of the donation bag to wear because I crave the colors. I need to look for replacement colored pants that will work better with my glucose sensor. Right now I am wearing it higher than normal so the low waisted pants hit below the meter. Should I get rid of the pants ASAP or wear them occasionally when I can?

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  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 4 years ago

    What a fun idea, and really neat outfits. I love that color palette that extends throughout this capsule. The floral jacket is gorgeous.

  • Jaime replied 4 years ago

    Fun colorful outfits! I love the aqua color of the jeans. I would keep unless they are truly awkward with your meter. Assuming you have room and they aren't aggravating you more than they are worth.

  • Joy replied 4 years ago

    Thank you, Firecracker and Shevia for commenting. Firecracker, I really like the floral jacket but wish it was not polyester. Do you think the lining can be removed successfully?
    Shevia, I think I will keep the aqua jeans for now. I have to keep moving the meter so it depends on where it is as to what I can wear and how I sleep., so sometimes I can wear low waisted things like these jeans. And I can get a break from neutrals.

  • Suz replied 4 years ago

    Joy, I totally understand your craving for colour! Fun progression of outfits, and way to go for rescuing something from the donate bag to scratch an itch when shopping isn't easy. 

    I was wondering how things were going with the meter so I am glad to get an update. It sounds as if it's still a work in progress to find items that fit your sweet spot (ummm, so to speak!) and are comfortable and practical. 

  • Joy replied 4 years ago

    Suz I really need to shop B&M stores to try on garments to see if they will work. I am not even sure what size to get unless I try it. So it is a work in progress, as you said. Elastic waists usually work best but can be a slippery slope to weight gain. I just today got some things I ordered on-line. The items I was most confident about will need to be sent back. One elastic waist is really awful. Colors are tricky and especially shades of navy. A green top that looked like it could be worn with olive is a definite no... much too minty.

  • rachylou replied 4 years ago

    I super love #3 and your matching column of aqua outfits. I think hanging onto the aqua pants, for now at least, is sensible. With wear it forward, you can wear them a few times in a week before the sensor moves again.

  • Mirjana replied 4 years ago

    Wow, Joy so beautiful colorful outfits! I like color and you always inspired me. I especially love column of aqua outfit. You look stunning.

  • Joy replied 4 years ago

    Thank you, Rachylou and Mirjana. I liked the column of aqua outfit best.

  • Synne replied 4 years ago

    Especially love the candy coloured outfits! You look like you might be a Light Spring (like Angie?) :-D

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 4 years ago

    Joy, you probably could remove the jacket lining, if it is attached to facings around the front edges and back neck area. But then you would want to finish the seams inside and all the edges where the lining is sewn to the jacket--all the facings and hems. You might rather remove the lining, cut it open, and use it as a pattern to make a new one out of cotton batiste.

  • Angie replied 4 years ago

    You've executed the fun challenge with that special Joy-spunk!

    Are those pearls around your neck in #7? Brilliant arm candy in #5, and I like the pattern mixing! 

    I SO get your colour craving. The pant rises do look very low, but if they work with the glucose meter - rock on stylish and strong lady :)

  • replied 4 years ago

    What great colors :) Love the jacket and floral top!

  • Joy replied 4 years ago

    Thank you all for the helpful comments. Synne, Angie’s colors look good on me too. I figured out from Angie’s tomato red that tomato is my best red, that or a coral.
    Thank you, Firecracker, what you say makes sense. I may save the jacket as is for the cold spring days. I can even wear it over thinner sweaters.
    Angie, those are pearls in #7. Well spotted.. I can’t seem to find pant rises that are high on my body.. even the ones called mile high or skyscraper fall below my navel. I do plan to replace these when the right pants come as they need the invisabelt to stay up. Thank you for the encouraging words.

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