replied 7 years ago
Looks good, except I would lose the bra thing.
approprio replied 7 years ago
SO MUCH LOVE for the bra over the blouse!!!! Cutting edge and very sexy with it!
This is one of those things you'd need to wear with absolute confidence and conviction or not at all. I'm pretty sure you can pull it off, but with the tiniest risk of looking a bit mad.
Don't let that stop you - either way, it's total geezer magnet. :P
Joy replied 7 years ago
Linder, thank you. I understand. Angie told me to go ahead and be s devil so I was playing the part.
Appropriate, LOL! I could wear the top part with the bra, but need a pink tutu. Hmm, maybe this top and bra would work with my geezer-magnet tight metallic blue jeans:)
JAileen replied 7 years ago
I like it, minus the bra. But then it's only two patterns. Do you have a patterned bag? Approprio is right, though, you have to OWN it!
approprio replied 7 years ago
That would be an amazing evening look - daring, eye-catching, provocative yet subversive. Total fashion, in other words. Yes I'm smiling, but I'm absolutely not joking. :D
rachylou replied 7 years ago
It's amazing how well the plaid and floral work together. That's a plug for a tight colour palette (!!)
And the bra-over works brilliantly. Totally agree with Approprio. Incredibly flattering and cutting edge. You can come out to SF and do this outfit. No worries here... well, you'd have to watch out for 20-yr-old boys, not geezers! :)
Angie replied 7 years ago
Thumbs up from me too, sweet Joy - with gorgeous pretty bra worn under the blouse. Looking fashion forward in #2. WELL DONE.
amiable replied 7 years ago
Super fun! I agree with Angie - the bra on the inside. Thanks for the smiles :)
Joy replied 7 years ago
Approprio and Rachylou. I am not brave enough to actually wear the bra on top of the blouse :). It seemed fun for showing the pattern mix.
JAileen, I don't have a good patterned bag for this outfit but the scarf has a couple of patterns going on in the right colors. I could use a light grey snake patterned clutch or a scarf with a bigger pattern.
Angie, thank you for your encouragement. The pattern mixing has sent me to the closet to play and I have an idea for the black/white/yellow plaid jacket and a skirt for Sunday. Thank you for the fun ideas and guidance to put together a wearable outfit.
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, amiable. Yes, bra is on the inside :)
Mirjana replied 7 years ago
Very fun and interesting outfit, I like #2 and agree with others bra inside.
RoseandJoan replied 7 years ago
You're a star Joy.
I was wondering why you would wish to leave your bra at home until I saw the pics.
This is a lovely, subtle and very wearable.
harmonica replied 7 years ago
So much fun! You nailed it.
cindysmith replied 7 years ago
Those two tops work well together! I'd almost try a pinstripe trouser with them in colors from the same palette just to totally Maxx it out, but what you're doing is fun and it works (once I got past the devilish bra bahahahaha)
Angie replied 7 years ago
*happy dance*
Great to have inspired you, Joy.
Jenni NZ replied 7 years ago
Did Wonder Woman wear a bra on the outside? Now you just need the matching double wrist cuffs Joy...
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Mirjana, Ruby Tuesday, Harmonica, Cynthia and Angie. Cynthia, I love the idea of a pinstriped trouser but don't have one. I used to have an ink pinstripe funeral skirt suit that got lots of compliments.
Angie, I love that you have such a fearless and open mind.
Joy replied 7 years ago
LOL, Jenni. Maybe I can find a pair on Etsy :)
Ledonna N. replied 7 years ago
It is fab. At 1st glance I thought the bra was part of the top.
Did you rock this look outside?
How did you feel Joy?
Joy replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Ledonna. I wore the outfit outside as shown in #2. The bra was under the top. I felt pretty good but the plaid shirt felt a little sloppy although I liked it for the pattern mix. Ordinarily I'd wear the blouse with a blush or navy jacket. I wore the outfit to a local place for bbq with the family.