Inspired by UmmLila's post about spring checked and plaid jackets plus temperatures in the 30's F, I tried to wrap a blazer this morning.
Not the same look as a denim jacket, but what do you think? Should it be repeated?
Wrap is a closet orphan, an old chocolate cashmere blanket scarf ( usually too big). Blazer is thrifted Brooks Brothers with silk lining. It also is pretty much an orphan as it is rather dressy and prim for my lifestyle. White jeans are EF as is my white tee. Scarf is a cotton table napkin from William Sonoma last year. Snake loafers are old Franco Sarto. Bag is from DSW.
For Ledonna, the blazer is thrifted but is like new.
Wrapped Plaid blazer
March 22, 2017
Posted in the What I Wore category
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