WIW to exercise: out of my comfort zone

Since seeing Angie's post on wearing cropped tops, I have been thinking of how to wear the only one I have which I wear to partly cover a tank to go to the gym. I'm not sure this is working. The matching tank and jeans color make it look like really high waist
pants. Also, while wearing black and white isn't a problem, the high contrast of black and citron is not something that I would usually do.
Does this work at all? Should I stick to black and white with this cropped thrifted top? Get rid of it?
Should someone my age avoid cropped tops altogether? ( I'd never wear it without an under layer )
ETA: photo of same outfit with a black tank. Better?

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  • replied 10 years ago

    I think it all works really well. I don't think the top is overly cropped and I love the pairing with the yellow. I say go for it!

  • Ledonna N. replied 10 years ago

    First off I love the complete outfit the yellow is very nice and grounded with the crop top and the jacket and the dark shoes.  The yellow underneath the crop does not work to my eye.  Maybe a darker color or something in a contrast color and longer like a long tank would be in order. I think anyone of any age can wear a crop as long as it is done tastefully.

  • crutcher replied 10 years ago

    Your outfit yellow and leopard is just too cute...Definitely wear the cropped top...there is no age expiration on cropped tops...smile...

  • Thistle replied 10 years ago

    You look terrific!  I see nothing but a fun, stylish, 80s inspired outfit.

    My only concern is will you be able to exercise in a crop top? I would constantly be tugging it down . . .

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Thank you for your helpful comments.
    Thistle, with the long tank under it, I don't have a problem with the cropped top riding up. It is quite loose.
    Ladywone, I understand what you are saying. I wore this cropped top last summer with a black tank and white rolled boyfriends. I think it looked better.
    Maybe a black tank with the yellow jeans would help.

  • Aida replied 10 years ago

    I like it better with the black tank! I was going to suggest a higher contrast lower layer to make it look more purposeful, and you've gone and done that :)

  • jackiec replied 10 years ago

    I do prefer the higher contrast tank and agree with Aida. I really like the yellow/leopard combo :)

  • carter replied 10 years ago

    Love the cropped top. Don't you dare get rid of it! I do get the high-waisted vibe though with the yellow on yellow. I think the top would be great with any color tank underneath if you paired it with blue, black or grey denim. I can't stop myself from suggesting pink, so I'll just say it. If I were pulling from my closet, I would wear it with grey jeans and a pink tank.

  • dustt replied 10 years ago

    works really well with the dark under tank and the added spunk of the chucks - way to go!!

  • Kiwichik replied 10 years ago

    I like it both ways but without the high contrast it doesn't really look like a crop top.

  • Karie replied 10 years ago

    My favorite is #4 with the black tank under it. I'm in that "certain age" category (and with a birthday in three more days, yikes!) and I would most certainly wear this!

  • Lantana replied 10 years ago

    I think the crop looks best when it is contrasted and I agree the first outfit gives the impression the jeans are really high waisted. #3&#4 look great. Joy, you have the figure to wear a crop top, age doesn't come into it.

  • MsMary replied 10 years ago

    Love it, especially with the jacket and the longer top underneath!  You look fab!

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