WIW: leather jacket with the pleated skirt

Angie and others wanted to see the fab leather moto jacket from Sandy with my new black pleated skirt.
I have worn the skirt with the black jacket and another time with a cream one. Happiness factor was especially high with the black version. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.

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  • Deborah replied 10 years ago

    Now that's a pleated skirt I would try:)  This looks so so so so stunning.  Love it with both the black and the white the white jacket is sensational.  *Plonk*

  • celia replied 10 years ago

    WOW, this is serious fabness!
    I like both looks but have a slight preference for the one with the white jacket.

  • unfrumped replied 10 years ago

    Joy, the motos rock! they really juxtapose with the skirt in a way that the cardi did not. Then, if leather might be too warm at some point, perhaps a cotton topper with a similar cheeky vibe?

  • Sveta replied 10 years ago

    These are superb looks, Joy. I like them both - the monochrome one is elegant and sophisticated and white and navy look is fresh and alluring.
    I have a serious moto jacket envy here!

  • replied 10 years ago

    Gorgeous! Both of them!

  • Jaime replied 10 years ago

    Both are fab! You rock Joy, that's all I can say.

  • sarah replied 10 years ago

    Those are great looks, Joy. You were made to wear moto's - they add an unexpected "something" to your outfits that is really great.

  • carter replied 10 years ago

    Wow! Fabulous with both.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Thank you each for your kind comments. Truthfully, I don't know what I would do without your and Angie's kindness and encouragement. One of my slightly younger friends has been hammering home that we are too old to have fun with fashion, that "that ship has sailed". I know this is not true but it is disheartening. She also suggests that I am a "shopaholic" which is also not true and I think that she knows it. Sorry, I'm just venting and so appreciate the support I get here. I also trust YLF to let me know if I'm not age appropriate.

  • JAileen replied 10 years ago

    Both outfits look great! I like how they modernize the ladylike pleated skirt and give it a little edge.

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    You nailed it, Princess Sweetheart. 

    Killer to the power of Killer. xo

  • rae replied 10 years ago

    Both versions are rockin'!

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Angie, a K to K! I'm thrilled and humbled. You made my week!

  • Day Vies replied 10 years ago

    Snazzy Joy! I love both jackets. Both have a different  feel with the pleated skirt but both are so polished and edgy all at once. This is definitely a do (again and again!)

  • Lantana replied 10 years ago

    I much prefer the jackets to the cardi but I feel there will be times ( occasions, moods) when the cardi version calls.
    Re the ship has sailed comment, it's irksome isn't it, when our friends make these globally damning statements.
    Hooray for here, you won't find any validation of that position on YLF.

  • Inge replied 10 years ago

    Modern and completely fab, both versions.

  • JamC replied 10 years ago

    They both look great.  Nice to use a formula but get such  different results.

  • donnat replied 10 years ago

    Omg Joy, these two outfits are drop dead gorgeous!

  • leopardluxe replied 10 years ago

    Really love the combo of the leather (in both colors) with the the pleated skirt. Really ups the "edginess" factor and looks fantastic on you! 

  • Neel replied 10 years ago

    Oh yes!!! That's brilliant!!!!!! The motos add the touch off modern sophistication that the skirt needed! Joy .... You rock our style world!

  • Windchime replied 10 years ago

    Both are wonderful! You look like a model in the second one. I wonder why your friend says those things? You know it's about her and not you. Keep doing what you're doing--it's definitely working for you!

  • replied 10 years ago

    Great skirt, Joy! And the motos look good with it.

  • April replied 10 years ago

    LOVE this, Joy.  

    I suspect your friend feels that your style makes her look like she's given up.  It's more comfortable if everyone's given up, but if YOU haven't, then someone might think SHE needs to step things up a little, and that can make people uneasy.  And calling you a "shopaholic" is a way of making it sound like there's virtue in giving up ("Well, at least I'm not wasting money by shopping all the time.")  

    I've had similar conversations with my mom (late 70s) about certain garments she hangs onto in spite of the fact that they absolutely make her look older and frumpier.  She gets panicked thinking that someone might expect her to be stylish, so she makes it seem like it's virtuous to keep awful things in her closet.  She sees it as a moral high ground: she's thrifty; she's humble; she accepts her age and isn't trying to look like a youngster; she's not obsessed with appearances like some people.

    My advice, Joy: keep calm and carry on.   :)

  • Sona replied 10 years ago

    Joy this is brilliant. And yes your friend is out of line ( and probably knows it) and there is also some envy along with other feelings that she is struggling with. I am sorry she has spoken to you in such a manner.

    You rock your style with the best of them!!!!!!!!

  • E replied 10 years ago

    Both of these outfits are stunning!

    I'm sorry your friend says things like that. :/ It seems to me hobbies & interests are an ageless delight.

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    Joy, I just read your comment about wearing closed shoes for Summer. I'd love to know what brought on that change? 

  • kellygirl replied 10 years ago

    Gorgeous! You look amazing in both. Carry on :)

  • LACeleste replied 10 years ago

    Lady Joy,

    You have got it going on!  You look terrific.

    Please don't listen to your friend.  In 1 ear and .....

    Creativity, personal expression, and yes--joy, are eternal!

  • Marmee replied 10 years ago

    So fabulous!

  • Debora replied 10 years ago

    You look beautiful, Joy. I love your new skirt styled with the jackets. Fresh and modern. Don't let your friend get you down. You have an adventurer's spirit. Next time tell your friend it's time for her to walk the plank! :)

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Angie, my doctor has been telling me for a few years now not to wear sandals because of the diabetes. One loses feeling in their feet, as well as circulation. If there is an injury, even a small one, it can have grave consequences because one may not be aware of it and treat it in time. Closed toe footwear is more protective. I should start listening to that advice. It's hard because I hate having hot feet in the hot weather and have been wearing sandals some anyway, but not as much. The disease is progressive and I can tell a difference in my feet. One day I may need to seek out cute steel toed boots ;)

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    Ah. Got it. Thanks for clarifying, Joy. Well. I don't wear sandals at all, so you are in good company. xo

  • Caro in Oz replied 10 years ago

    Joy you look fantastic. Don't let anyone tell us we are too old to have fun with fashion - JUST NOT TRUE :) :)

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Angie, I should have mentioned that you have shown us many great summer footwear looks so that sandals aren't the only choice.
    Thank you, YLF ladies, for lifting my spirits and your kind comments.

  • gryffin replied 10 years ago

    Joy - these outfits are totally divine.  You've taken a classic piece that could read prim and you've made it elegant, modern, refined.  You look beautiful and vibrant!  Joy, don't let anyone ever tell you you can't have fun with anything. When we give up on fun and joy, then we've forgotten how to really live.  Life is too short for that!!  You look wonderful in every outfit I've ever seen on you. You are a total style inspiration to me.  I'd personally be heartbroken if you "gave up on fashion!!" 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Thank you, Gryffin. Fashion has become my favorite hobby and I enjoy the challenge of trying to make some trends work for my body and lifestyle. You have me blushing. Fashion can be fun at any age.

  • gryffin replied 10 years ago

    But Joy, totally true!!  I wish I always looked as polished and elegant as you do!!

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    Joy, you look absolutely sensational in both renditions. I can't tell you which one I love more!! What Sveta, Sarah, and Angie said -- and then some. 

    As for your friend, I think it is so sad that she has lost her spark and seems to need to bring you down as well. I am sure it is not intentional, but I can easily imagine that it would be dispiriting. And also -- painful for you, because you are such a lady and so inherently gracious, it must hurt to think that simply be trying to enjoy life a little bit yourself, you might unwittingly make her uncomfortable. 

    But it's not you doing it -- it is her own feelings. I hope she will be able to see and feel that. 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Now I'm really blushing! Polished and elegant is what I aspire to but I feel that I fall far short of that goal. You are a sweetheart.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Suz, we cross posted. I have been thinking about my friend and feel that she is struggling on many levels. As far as fashion, I think she is really struggling there because in the past year her husband has taken a vocation that requires her to support him at events that are more dressy and out of her comfort level. My friend's style is very casual, sporty and includes gear and athletic sneakers. She doesn't know how to dress business casual or what to wear to a formal ball but I don't think that she wants help.

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