WIW: Experiments in Plaid: part 1, with Ted Baker clutch

I'm showing you an outfit that I was not completely at ease wearing. The silk burgundy and grey jacket feels like the type of plaid garment a woman of my age should be wearing...a bit more dressy than a flannel shirt or sassy pants.
The clutch was found on a visit to a new consignment shop. I like its large size for a daytime clutch and the doggy print lining was a plus. But I wonder if the whole look too urban for me. I did exchange a black studded belt for this more decorative one. What are your thoughts? Do the burgundy jeans and silky top soften this enough? Too matchy? Or is this an ok look?
Top: Puli
Jeans: H&M
Booties: Munro
Clutch: Ted Baker via consignment
Belt: ? Old

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  • Ingunn replied 10 years ago

    You are not too urban looking today in my opinion, Joy On the contrary, this looks refined, elegant and very suitable for a woman of any age - by the way, I hope to look half as great as you when I grow up:) The Ted Baker clutch was a great find.  Have you tried this sans the belt? That would be my only suggestion. 

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    Urban is an interesting word, Joy. I am wondering what about the look felt uncomfortable to you. I really like all the pieces here. I am with Ingunn in thinking that it might work better unbelted, but apart from that I am curious?

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    I'm not sure why I felt "off". Maybe it was too dark or the booties after a summer of lighter footwear.
    There are belt loops ( the top came with a self fabric tie belt), but I could remove them. I think I will. The belt does me no favors.

  • Dana replied 10 years ago

    You look great! I have a jacket in a VERY similar fabric, but it's a short trench style (meant for indoors) so it looks best with a skirt. I like your combo with the burgundy jeans.

    I think I might like the self belt or another belt. The style of that one is throwing me off..

  • Carole replied 10 years ago

    IKWYM about flannel, this is a great substitute! Wondering how it would look with a topper like a moto jacket.

  • replied 10 years ago

    Well I too think this looks good Joy. I think the same as the others, in that maybe you just need to go sans belt. Otherwise I think it totally works!

  • bella replied 10 years ago

    When I looked at the pictures, the only thing I could think of was perhaps a different belt. I see now that you had the same idea. Have you tried semi-tuck? that might look good, too. 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Bella, thank you for commenting. I had not tried a semituck, and will have to give it a try.

  • Joyce B replied 10 years ago

    I love your outfit! Wow, purple plus plaid, it's fabulous!

  • tulle replied 10 years ago

    I think you look great.  At first I, too, thought beltless might be better, but after a 2nd & 3rd look, decided that I really like the finish of that silver buckle against the silk.  Wonderful colors--burgundy is so appealing right now, isn't it? Great clutch, and fantastic boots & shades with this outfit!

  • Neel replied 10 years ago

    First - That clutch is TDF! You have the best clutches! Along with Aida!

    Second - I love the outfit. But, I would skip the belt too. It is a bit distracting. The jacket is a super color on you IMO.

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