Doing the 30x30 challenge, I could put together a tonal olive outfit, but jeans and sweater are in the laundry. I could do the Dre dark olive jeans with the more light olive EF sweater ( last find) and maybe the Bobeau topper for another shade. The Bobeau topper is sort of an olive-tinged taupe, so I included it, but really not an olive. I love the idea of metallic footwear and would add gold metallic loafers and tote bag, olive and cream scarf ( 9th find below) and SE olive coat. I wonder if pearls come in olive? My lucite link necklace and specs frames seem to take on the colors they are with. I will try to link to Angie's blog post. I
I welcome your suggestions for outfits or additions to this capsule.
Tonal Olive Green: my olive capsule
January 26, 2018
Posted in the Dressing category
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