Tanya replied 9 years ago
Wonderful interpretation Joy! The shades of grey look stunning with your coloring. Good luck with the haircut, hope you like the final result.
Astrid replied 9 years ago
I agree with Tanya, those shades of grey look awesome on you! Great outfit.
Joy replied 9 years ago
Thank you, Tanya and Astrid. I wondered when I looked at the photos if the sleeveless top and the skirt alone look too washed out.
MsMary replied 9 years ago
Beautiful, Joy! I think your outfit really captures the curved lines and shapes in the inspiration. And I can't believe you can do this out of a travel wardrobe!!
Angie replied 9 years ago
Fabulous, Joy. Another pro pattern mixer like Mary and Tanya. Nicely done, and hope you are enjoying your time away with the kids.
approprio replied 9 years ago
You look lovely in these subtle greys. I'm really enjoying how everyone's engaging with monochrome pattern mixing today :)
Neel replied 9 years ago
Wow! You wear gray so well :-) ... fantastic outfit!
jackiec replied 9 years ago
Fab interpretation, Joy! I love the scarf added here especially.
rachylou replied 9 years ago
That's Target? Where was I?! :D
Beautiful greyscale.
Diana replied 9 years ago
Wow, Joy, I am beyond impressed that you managed that out of a suitcase. Love the shades of grey, and they play so nicely with your hair.
Jaime replied 9 years ago
Nicely done Joy! The polka dots really suit the scene somehow.
Sara L. replied 9 years ago
Wow, I'm so impressed you can do this while traveling. I think the lines and patterns in your pieces evoke the feeling of the painting.
replied 9 years ago
Nicely done! I love all the different tones of grey and the patterns.
Joy replied 9 years ago
Thank you!
MsMary, grey has become a go-to neutral for spring travel for me. Now the colorful paintings will be difficult.
Angie, the time is going by quickly. It will be hard to leave DS and his little family. The baby is so sweet and changing daily.
Approprio, I am enjoying all the various grey interpretations too.
Thank you, Neel. I have to be careful not to turn into a shadow.
Jackie, thank you. The scarf was an afterthought I couldn't resist because of the shades and lines in the painting.
Rachylou, I know. Target can have some gems and the fits are often better on me than higher priced offerings. This top is Merona which is the Target brand I like best for quality.
Diana, thank you for the compliment. Much of my suitcase was shades of grey this trip to span winter to spring.
Shevia, the polkadots reminded me of boobs for some reason and may make another appearance this week for another painting :)
texstyle replied 9 years ago
Really nice Joy - love the outfit in #1 esp. and the interpretation.
Angie replied 9 years ago
They will miss you too, sweet Ruth. Also forgot to say how impressed I am that you pulled the challenge out of a suitcase. You are SO FAB.
Summer replied 9 years ago
I'm impressed that you are able to do this challenge from your travel wardrobe, Joy. Amazing interpretation and lovely outfit.
Joy replied 9 years ago
Thank you, Texstyle. I liked 1 best also.
Angie, it was generous of you to give us this challenge for fashion fun.
Summer, this suitcase was not so minimal since I had to be ready for any weather. I was happy with the outfit and fun of pattern mixing.
AM replied 9 years ago
Beautiful shades of gray. And so impressive you did this on a travel capsule. Love that first picture. Looks playful and chic...and the bag is such a great touch. It all comes together beautifully.
replied 9 years ago
Wow, just lovely! Such a tailored, elegant look, and all the prints and various tones of grey work so well together. That jacket fits you like a dream. It definitely doesn't look like an afterthought. I just adore a knitted jacket -- and now I see yours, I feel a wardrobe gap coming on.
SarahTheWhite replied 9 years ago
You look beautiful in this. I love how you not only interpreted the art, but you stayed true to your style. This has a really lovely softness even while you echoed the painting. Wonderfully done!
Joy replied 9 years ago
AM, thank you for the kind comments. The bag is Elliot Lucca and I usually use it as a clutch.
Aliona, thank you for noticing the jacket. It is Halogen and I think an Angie pick a couple of years ago. I've found that knit jackets are generally a better fit for my sway back than a woven one.
Sarah, I love reading your comment ( multiple times). Thank you.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Joy, this is a beautiful interpretation of the painting, and a fabulous outfit. I am so impressed at your ability to join in a challenge like this, working from a travel capsule! You are a style genius. Oh, and what an appropriate occasion to wear the outfit inspired by this painting!
Carole replied 9 years ago
I'm so impressed, joy, that you could play the game with your travel wardrobe! Excellent job!
Caro in Oz replied 9 years ago
Such a great interpretation Joy - you look fab in grey :)
columbine(erin) replied 9 years ago
I like your gentle interpretation, Joy, and you look fab in grey.
Suz replied 9 years ago
You did this while travelling? WOW!! You are a marvel. I really need to step up my game here! (Gears turning furiously....) :)
Love the outfit with the beautiful scarf.....
Deb replied 9 years ago
Such a sophisticated interpretation....this look works very well. The straight lines, the circles and curves and the colours refer beautifully to the form, shade and tone of the artwork. Great job!
lyn67 replied 9 years ago
Wow, Joy,this is much more sophisticated, then expected out from a suitcase! I so loved to see your face and soft colored outfit in some better lighting,the white hair is fab! You are a very stylish lady!
tulle replied 9 years ago
I had a feeling that this look would be a winner on you! Love your grays and mixed patterns. Just right.