Neutral mixing: dark, medium and light versions

My outfits lately have used neutral mixing in various ways. Here are a few recent WIWs
1-3: light neutrals. I used my silvery white puffer coat as a topper and cream bag. Are the proportions ok? Featuring newest pair of SE Petty booties, these in bone.
4-5: mid- neutrals. I used a sparkly brooch to make the outfit more festive. Suggestions for improvement?
6-9: dark neutrals based around a black BR sweater dress. I kept changing this during the day. 6 is with a poncho. 7 with a swingy charcoal cardigan. 8, I added a tube skirt under the sweater dress for more length. 9, the dress over black skinnies. I'd love to know what works and what doesn't. Is the poncho too long or voluminous for this dress? Is the skirt layered under the dress crazy? Suggestions? I need your collective eyes.

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  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    You absolutely nailed it, Joy. You are a clever little thing. I am in love with #1. My colours. GORGEOUS with your hair. 

  • Mirjana replied 9 years ago

    All outfits are greats, #1 is gorgeous, I love it, but the others are very nice to.

  • calmwave replied 9 years ago

    Oh my! Love the silvery greys and winter whites on you. Stunning!

  • replied 9 years ago

    You look awesome in all iterations as far as I'm concerned. The silvery grey neutrals are stunning in #1, but I also really have a soft spot for the medium taupes and deeper greys in #2. The different sweater dress versions are brilliant! What a great idea to layer a tube skirt for more totally works.

  • shedev replied 9 years ago

    Joy, you totally rock the winter white. I like the poncho outfit.

  • Cococat replied 9 years ago

    I love everything Joy. The lighter colours look great on you, but the medium and deeper neutrals look fab as well.

    I occasionally layer a tube skirt under as some of my things feel a little short. I'm not sure if for me it's an age thing or that my eye has adjusted to the longer lengths. It definitely works.

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    Coco and Diane, thank you for addressing the dress over tube skirt (both black).  If I can do this and still look ok, it opens up dress possibilities.

    Thank you all for letting me know about the colors.  I felt good wearing each level of neutrals. although the mid-tone outfit did not look as good in photos as in the mirror.  Don't you hate when that happens?

  • CocoLion replied 9 years ago

    #1, 4 and 9 are gorgeous.  From a pure flattery standpoint, I prefer you in 1 and 4.  But -- 9 is so sleek and chic that I love it, perhaps more than the others. 

    ETA -- #7 with dress and skirt is a great idea, but I can't really make it out from your angle.  Plus not as sure if the cardigan works with this one.  As for the poncho version, that works.  Do you have a pair of gray bottoms?  I think that would look great with the poncho too.

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    Thank you, Denise.  That dress in 9 has survived in the closet because of it's sleek simplicity.

  • BellevueMissie replied 9 years ago

    Number 4 is so great. Way to rock interesting neutrals.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    These are all gorgeous, Joy, my favorites being outfit 1 and the dress with the pants. I like the simplicity of those looks. I do like the poncho with the dress. It's a great idea to put the tube skirt underneath, too. You are a genius at creating outfits.

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    BellevueMissie, thank you for singling out that outfit. It was the one that I was least sure of next to the skirt under the dress.
    Sharan, I seem to be craving outfits that are simple these days. Thank you, Shedev and Denise for mentioning the poncho with the dress. This is the first time that I have tried it with a dress. Denise, I do have grey jeans but the greys don't match those in the poncho. Maybe that isn't important, but could be considered a mix of neutrals. I'll try it soon..

  • Aquamarine replied 9 years ago

    I LOVE all these outfits and colors on you, Joy. Sleek, modern, interesting! Maybe my most favorite post of yours, ever.

  • dakotacheryl replied 9 years ago

    Wonderful combinations and so perfect on you!!

  • replied 9 years ago

    Joy, I like the blend of light colours in the first set and your booties really help to keep the monochromatic look. You could also do this with cognac shoes and a purse.

    I really like all the layering in your dark look. In wintertime, I think layers are very acceptable and i think you can give yourself license to go crazy. The poncho doesn't look too big for the skit to my eye.

    My favorite outfit is the dress over the pants. As you say, I like the simplicity.

    I also like the broach in outfit 4-5. It does give a Christmassy flavour.

  • Beth Ann replied 9 years ago

    You have the ability to wear so many shades!  I often feel "flattened out" in neutrals, but you absolutely shine in them.  #1 is stunning, and stands out partly because these lights shades flatter your coloring and seem quite luxurious (love the texture in the sweater).  

    #4 is like a visual aid for Angie's recent post --- you'd be the star of the power point presentation!  It all works together because the similar color intensity in the all the elements.  And yes, the patterns in boots and bag add interest and yet still harmonize.  I love the little festive brooch, and the way it picks up the "startburst" color pattern in the bag.

    I like the dress best in the last look.  You have the slender legs to make a dress over skinnies still look elegant.  I wouldn't worry about the dress being too short (as in 6), but the toned hose are a great idea -- not for age appropriateness, but just to keep the eye from spotting the knees first, lol!  I like the proportions of the layered hems a lot -- well done.  In a photo, however, it's hard to evaluate how it looks in a 3D closeup.  You're fairly particular, so I'm guessing it's great!

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    Aquamarine, Smittie and Dakotacheryl, thank you for the comments and boost in confidence they gave me. Smittie, I will try the first outfit with cognac accessories. Your attention to the details like the broach is especially helpful.

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