K/R: white kitten heels and frayed crops

I'd like your thoughts. The white "heels" that would be occasional summer shoes have been a HEWI. Do these look ok on me? They are comfortable Antonio Melani on sale at Dillard's.
The frayed crops were a find at Marshals. Actually they were crops and I undid the hems myself. Is the length ok? Fit? I'd love to have your thoughts.

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  • Tanya replied 8 years ago

    Love the cropped jeans, they are perfect in every way, including the length.
    I am not completely sold on the shoes, they are lovely and pretty bit very classic. If that is what you want than keep them by all means!

  • Angie replied 8 years ago

    Thumbs up all round. Love. How clever to undo the hems yourself. Give them a good press, and you are good to go. 

    Joy, wrt to the Ce Ce top: I tried on the blouse again this morning to figure out exactly why the muu-muu works on my slight frame. The neck is wider than I like, but I push it back and Bob's your uncle. I can fit two of me in the torso - no exaggeration - but as I said before, the drape of the fabric is exceptional, so it hangs in a streamlined way. Perhaps my height and long arms help a bit too. And then of course - the concept of JFE works wonders.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Thank you , Tanya. I would rather the shoes did not have the bow so that they will be more versatile, but I have some more casual white flats that can fill that need. I'm glad the cropped jeans are looking ok. They are probably not age appropriate but I don't really care. They would be a nice change of pant for summer if they get approval. I can stretch the bottoms to be more flared but hesitate now in case the hem needs to be put back in to return them.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Angie, we must have cross-posted. Thank you. I will go back and try the CeCe top again with new eyes. I have long arms but the sleeves hang over my hands. Maybe they got stretched out. I agree that the fabric is exceptional and hangs well against the lower torso.

  • catgirl replied 8 years ago

    Very nice and brilliant to undo the crop yourself!  That may be a solution for me - find some knee length crops and release the hem myself.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Una, thank you. It was easy and fast with a seam ripper. I need to do a better press, maybe washing them first.

  • Aida replied 8 years ago

    Love both pieces! You did an excellent job with the jeans, the released hem looks spot on.

  • BrieN replied 8 years ago

    wow on the cropped jeans --  you chose well as they are a very nice silhouette - not baggy at all. A bit of a heel and crops are a good look on you!

  • replied 8 years ago

    Both jeans and shoes are fab on you Joy. Keep both!

  • rachylou replied 8 years ago

    Omg, I'm going to Marshall's, lol. The kitten heels are perfect.

  • shedev replied 8 years ago

    Joy, the crops are wonderful on you. All the crops I've seen are just pants on short me so I plan to do the same thing.

  • El Cee replied 8 years ago

    Love your new kitten heels -- bows and all! And your DIY released/frayed hem crops are fabulous. They look to be a great length.

  • texstyle replied 8 years ago

    Love this Joy! It makes me want to get a pair myself and I thought I was going to pass on the cropped jeans thing.

  • catgirl replied 8 years ago

    Oh good, I can seam rip with the best of them. :)

  • replied 8 years ago

    The jeans could not fit better - and you look great in them ! How could you not though- you are so tiny! I'm not sure I'd wear the sling backs with this outfit though. They are cute with the jeans but need a prettier (relative to a sweater ) or dressier jacket or top .

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Thank you all for commenting. I guess I need reassurance.
    Aida, Brie, Diane, Rachylou, El Cee, Texstyle and Una, I'm happy that you feel that my DIY Jean project turned out ok. I was going to go thrifting for jeans but saw these for under $20 and liked the fit and imagined finished length. I didn't cut any length off.
    Thank you, also for commenting on the shoes too. I think that I will keep them, especially to see how much I will wear white kitten heels. I imagine a lot but don't know yet.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Lisa, thank you. The jeans are a higher rise than I usually wear but I liked the fit too. I just put the herls on to get feedback but doubt that I will wear them with these jeans, although I love how Aida wears her white heels with jeans. A dressier top is key, as you said.

  • replied 8 years ago

    Both crops and shoes are keepers. Love what you did with the jeans, and the delicate shoes show off your slim feet and ankles. I like the contrast of the ladylike heels and the hem of the jeans, and agree with Lisa that a different top would work to pull the look together. Great finds!

  • RobinF replied 8 years ago

    Love those jeans, taking the hem down was perfect.

  • Brooklyn replied 8 years ago

    Love the jeans. On the shoes, I agree with Tanya.

  • Bonnie replied 8 years ago

    Brilliant! The crops look great.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Aliona, you are a sweetheart. Thank you for the kind words.
    Robin and Bonnie, I'm thrilled that you like the results on the jeans.
    Brooklyn, Tanya and you have such wonderful style. I'm listening. Thank you for your help. I'll think about the shoes. I wish that they were chunky heeled pumps to look more current.

  • VioletMyra replied 8 years ago

    I love the slingbacks. I have a few pairs of shoes with kitten heels and they're very comfortable. I'd keep the shoes - you'll have fun styling them I'm sure.
    Best wishes.

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    Thank you, ecteacher. I can't wear higher heels, so I am enjoying these little heels for as long as I can.

  • Deb replied 8 years ago

    A lovely look. Kitten heels and sling backs are a very flattering style for petite women and the jeans are perfect for you. You've chosen well here.

  • retailgirl replied 8 years ago

    HI, Joy, the crops look great. I like the shoes, but not with this outfit...they look too dressy. You quite often ask if things are age appropriate...I don't know how old you are, but you look wonderful for ANY age and stylish, too. I love the fact that you're open minded and take risks.

  • replied 8 years ago

    I like the shoes and jeans and think they look good together, actually!
    Some shoes with bows veer into dowdy territory, but I think these are pointy enough and delicate enough to look current.

  • Jjsloane replied 8 years ago

    LOVE the jeans! Great score and hurray for seam rippers! I also like the kitten heels - right for your frame and I always like to go dressier. 

  • lyn67 replied 8 years ago

    Love the jeans!!! & OMG, brilliant ideea for the hems, you did such a good job! Thanx for sharing this Joy! In awe:-)

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