For July 8-18. I tried to make new combinations from my 30 items, but the only thing nMew is that my fussy feet needed a third pair of flats. The black/white D'Orsays were added for 2 days.
July8: (1) EF bone white pants and EF navy silk shell, white flats and sun hat.
July 9: (2-4). A Sunday outfit of 2 black dresses, one over the other. I tried to lighten 3 to show them but the black on black is difficult. 4 is the plain EF dress without the other dress as topper.
July 10: (6-7). Wide Gap cropped jeans with EF striped linen top tucked in front. Web belt, tassel earrings, white athletic Cole Haan flats.
July 11: (8-9). Black EF pants rolled, Citron silk jacket buttoned to be a blouse, black ankle strap flats.
July 12: (10-11). White Target tee, navy EF pants, athletic white shoes.
July 13: (12) wide Gap jeans, this time with EF long sleeved striped linen tee over plain white layering tank, black ankle strap flats.
July 14: (13-14) EF linen striped tank and skirt with new necklace (14), white flats
July 15: (15) not a good photo. This time the EF navy pants were paired with a silky print blouse, white athletic flats.
July 16: (16-17). EF black dress with white jean jacket, sun hat, black and white flats
July 17: (18-20) wide Gap jeans now with EF navy silk top and knotted small scarf in cream and navy (20), white athletic flats.
July 18: (21-22). EF bone white pants with EF black asymmetrical top, black and white flats.
Comments and suggestions welcomed.
Final WIW of 30x30: Out with a Bang or Fizzle?
July 20, 2017
Posted in the What I Wore category
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