Bennett replied 8 years ago
Tassel necklace is my vote! Tell me about those jeans, please!
replied 8 years ago
Ditto on the necklace for me. You look great! I like the bag, shoes and your hair, a lot!
Angie replied 8 years ago
WOW. Festive indeed. #3 is Killer to the Power of Killer. LOVE.
crazyone replied 8 years ago
very festive! And amazing gold pants. I like it with the vest, actually...
Tanya replied 8 years ago
What a lovely festive outfit, Joy. Love the necklace and the vest with the gold pants.
JAileen replied 8 years ago
Really nice! I prefer the necklace over the scarf. The vest looks great with the rest.
cindysmith replied 8 years ago
Necklace for sure. The scarf is nice, it just doesn't seem as harmonious with the metallics as the necklace.
Jaime replied 8 years ago
Joy replied 8 years ago
Thank you all for the encouraging comments. Angie, I am thrilled and humbled to get a Killer to the power of Killer!
Bennett,I am sure that I found these off brand jeans at the Rack over a year ago. They are gold metallic over black. If I were to turn up the cuffs the cuffs would be black.
The scarf is a silk Christmas floral on a cream background. The pattern has gold( but not metallic) in it, so I hoped it would work and break up the black of the sweater.
I will add the finds I've made but need to find or make more.
Brooklyn replied 8 years ago
Bring on the bling! This is soo fabulous. I vote tassel necklace. And I think the vest looks good too.
Joy replied 8 years ago
Brooklyn, thank you for the encouragement. I'm excited that some of you have said the vest looks ok.
Sisi replied 8 years ago
Fantastic outfit! All the pieces seem to "play " together extremely well! I would avoid the scarf.
Mirjana replied 8 years ago
Wow, wow...... I could not stop looking at you, so gorgeous festive outfit I have no enough world to explain how I love it. I vote for tassel necklace.
JamC replied 8 years ago
I love the tassel necklace with the pants. Simple but ties in with the gold pants.
Joy replied 8 years ago
Thank you, Sisi, Mirjana and JamC. I wore the outfit to teach a class with the necklace and not the scarf. I got complimented but people don't expect old ladies to be wearing gold metallic jeans :).
lpr200 replied 8 years ago
Wow! All fantastic outfits. Love the pants with gold accessories!
bj1111 replied 8 years ago
super fab...i wonder how the jeans would look cuffed under at the ankle?
Joy replied 8 years ago
Thank you , Ipr200 and bj1111. Bj, that would probably be a sleeker look. I'll try it.
Bennett replied 8 years ago
Well, people better get used to us older ladies wearing gold metallic jeans! Shows how interesting, engaged, and fun we are! Yup, that's how it's done!!
Tisa replied 8 years ago
Tassel necklace looks goregeous! I think the vest is a good choice as well.
I only change the shoes, because I think black ones would work better with the whole outfit.
The scarf is very interesting, even though it doesn't really fit here. It could be a real eye-catcher in a different combination, perhaps with deep red, white or light cream coloured clothing.
On a different note: I really like your hair.
Joy replied 8 years ago
LOL, Bennett. People looked at the jeans and then commented on the necklace or shoes. I don't think they can reconcile grey hair and metallic gold jeans in their heads. Wait until they see me in my metallic blue skinnies :)
replied 8 years ago
I marvel at how well you do everyday festive. I wouldn't even know how to begin. You continue to be my inspiration in so many things.
Merry Christmas, Joy and Family.
UmmLila (Lisa) replied 8 years ago
Very special. I love the gold jeans with the long necklace.
krishnidoux replied 8 years ago
Absolutely love the look. It suits you so well!
Joy replied 8 years ago
Sterling, thank you for the kind words. You are a huge inspiration to me. Your thoughts and challenges help make things seem clearer to me.
Ummlila, thank you. I have very few long necklaces and this one is my favorite.
Krishnidoux, I'm thrilled to see you here and hope that life is good.
Janet replied 8 years ago
Terrific! I prefer the necklace too.
Gah, I wish I could wear shiny pants! They look so good on so many other women but so awful on me.
Joy replied 8 years ago
Janet, maybe you just have not found your shiny pants yet. They are not tight on me which I think helps. Also the black undercast makes them more wearable than just plain gold lame' to my eye. You look fabulous in jeans and pants. There are bound to be some for you.
El Cee replied 8 years ago
Oooooh, love the shiny pants! What a perfect ensemble for the holiday season. Like it best with the tassel necklace -- but the scarf is lovely too.